Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Mount Etna: History and overview
mountain Etna History and overview tantalise Etna is likewise known as Mongibello in Italian. To antediluvian patriarch Greeks come on Etna is known as the god of fire. They also believe that Cyclops, who is a angiotensin converting enzyme eyed monster, lives there. People can go skiing on advance Etna in winter and you can go hill walking in the summer, but you overhear to be sympathize withful in human face it erupts when youre there. Mount Etna also has close to famous caves on it which people like to go and see. There is also a lot of wildlife on Mount Etna like Frogs, Toads and even few turtles are undercoat in some of the ponds and lakes, there are also a lot of birds and even some rare golden eagles. Mount Etna has a lot of trees so in autumn when the tree leafs change colour lots of people deign to see them. Mount Etna is strato volcano so its lava isnt as hot as a nonher(prenominal) types of volcanoes.It is on the east coast of Sicily quite near Messina and C atania. Mount Etna has the near amount of eruptions in the world. It is the biggest ready volcano in Europe, it is almost 3326m tall and it has an area of about 1190km. The volcanoes height changes every eruption and some of the eruptions have reached the cities near the coast. The mountain is about 21m smaller now than 1865 because of the weather eroding it a elan. Mount Etna is by far the biggest active volcano in Italy, being al intimately 3 times as big as Mount Vesuvius which is the next biggest volcano in Italy. Geologists think it has been active for over twain and a half million years.Mount Etna is champion of the most active Volcanoes in the world. Its usually a quiet Volcano non a violent one because it erupts so often. Mount Etna erupts most impressive when the vents and the top erupt. Ash storms only happen if the vents erupt. The lava from Mount Etna can sometimes get up to 1000 degrees Celsius.Thousands of people live near and on the slopes of Mount Etna, their houses and property get ruined quite a lot. The surrounded areas of Mount Etna are comfortably for Farms because crops and veget equal to(p)s grow well on the volcanic soil.One of the eruptions in 122BC caused so much damage to a nearby urban center called Catania that its residents were relieved from paying taxes to Rome for 10 years. Mount Etna has 3 vent creators on its slopes, which have lava, rocks, and gasses coming out of them.Mount Etna erupted most violently in 1669 when the lava demolished nearby villages on the bottom of the slope. Some other violent eruptions have happened in 1971, 1983, 2001-02 making the Italian government to cite a state of an emergency. All these eruptions have been dangerous but the one in 1669 when it hit the outskirts of Catania was by far the most violent.Mount Etnas Eruption 1669Mount Etnas eruption in 1669 is the worst eruption so far in its history. During Mount Etnas history it has erupted quite often, so people dont usually bother when it erupts because its not that violent, but the eruption on the 8th of March 1669 was by far the most violent. On the afternoon of the 11th of March a lot of vents from the volcano forth officeed between 2 nearby cities, these vents caused a couple of very dangerous explosions and a huge amount of lava came out of them and flowed downhill. It produced about 830,000,000m of lava. The eruption was caused by two months of earthquakes under and on the surrounding areas of Mount Etna. This was caused by the African crust pushing under the Eurasian crust. This made Mount Etna erupt. On the 11th of March a 9km gap cracked open from Monte Frumento Supino to Monte San Leo on the south side of the mountain. The biggest vent cracked open near Nicolosi and oozed with lava and it ended up shaped like a cylinder cone and it is now a popular tourist point and is called Mount Rossi.On the first day of the eruption a town called Nicolosi and two other villages nearby were destroyed by the dangerous pyroclastic flow which can get up to about a speed of 500mph.The next three days the lava was flowing south and another four villages were destroyed. At the end of March another two bigger towns were destroyed and the lava reached the outskirts of Catania at the end of April.At the beginning of the lava reaching Catania, the lava flow hit once morest the wall which was meant to stop the lava flow destroying Catinia. The wall was strong comme il faut for a while but on the 30th of April the lava reached the top of the wall and poured into the city which made the wall fall down. After a while of the lava acquiring into the city it reached the harbour and filled it up. Some of the people that live in Catinia built walls next to all the main roads to stop the lava going onto the roads which would cause some accidents and deaths. Other people that live nearby tried to direct the lava flow away from the city but they did not do that good of job.Effects of Mount Etnas Eruption 1669The e ffectuate left behind from the eruption in 1669 were talked about world childlike. More than 10 villages were destroyed and a lot much were badly damaged by the lava flow. The west side of Catania was also badly damaged. The west and southwest of the city which was the richer side of the city, with lots of fruit gardens, expensive villas and a few monuments from Greek and Roman time were turned into a wasteland from the vicious lava.Catania was now surrounded by lava in all directions apart from the ocean side. The pyroclastic flow damaged the south and south west of the city, unlike the eruption in 1381 when it destroyed part of the north side.The pyroclastic flow doesnt always do the most damage but it kills the most people because it can travel so fast, and people cant get away from it. About 200 000 people died and about 27 000 people were also left homeless from the devastating eruption.Plate TectonicsMost volcanoes in the world are on a constructive or destructive surface b oundary. Mount Etna is on a destructive plate boundary. A destructive plate boundary is when one plate is getting pushed under another plate. Mount Etna was made by the African plate pushing under the Eurasian plate which take shapes a volcano form. Mount Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei are two other volcanoes which are also made by the African Plate pushing under the Eurasian plate. Most active Volcanoes are positioned near or along the edge of plate boundaries. Scientists are trying lots of different ways to find a better way of seeing under the earths crust below a volcano.Bibliographyhttp//www.solcomhouse.com/etna.htmhttp//www.bestofsicily.com/etna.htmhttp//www.volcanolive.com/etna.htmlhttp//www.geography.learnontheinternet.co.uk/topics/etna.htmlhttp//www.destination360.com/europe/italy/mount-etnahttp//www.worldtravelguide.net/attraction/285/attraction_guide/Europe/Mount-Etna.htmlhttp//www.history.com/this-day-in-history.do?action=Articleid=366http//www.experiencefestival.com/a/Moun t_Etna_-_1669_eruption/id/1371107Myocardial Infarction (MI) Nursing Assessment and dole outMyocardial Infarction (MI) Nursing Assessment and CareThe purpose of this reflective essay is to critically analyse the clinical estimate and nursing allot of a affected role suffering from an Myocardial Infarction (MI). This essay also reflect my personal experience and knowledge I gained in a coronary care unit (CCU) which will be effective in my future development. I used Gibbs model to reflect on my experience of caring for a tolerant with a Non ST elevation MI or NSTEMI (Gibbs 1988).The National Service Framework (NSF) for coronary heart disease (CHD) set standards for the prevention, diagnosing and treatment of CHD (DH 2000).Myocardial Infarction (MI) is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the United Kingdom (NICE 2002).Reflective practice is one of the key processes of reading within the health professions. It enables you to reflect on actions taken and analyse what you may have do differently and how you will handle similar situations in the future. Learning comes from how you handle different incidences and experiences and reflection is a key part of this. There are a number of models to choose from such as Johns model of reflection (1994), Kolbs learning cycle (1984) or Atkins and Murphys model of reflection (1994). However, this essay will use Gibbs model of reflection (1988) to critically analyse the clinical assessment and nursing care of a patient role suffering from a Myocardial Infarction (MI). This essay will use the model as devised by Gibbs as a framework.Gibbs model of reflection (1988) is based on six separate elements. It would be worth looking very briefly at each interpret before continuing. stratum 1 of this model is the description. It requires you to set out the context of the event such as who was there and what was happening? Stage 2 is fingerings. This is how you matte about the event and how you felt about the outcome. Stage 3 of Gibbs model is the evaluation. This requires you to consider the experience as a whole. What went well and what do you nip wasnt so successful. Stage 4 is an analysis of the event as a whole. It requires you to break down the event into its separate parts and look at each part in more detail. What sense can you make of the situation? Stage 5 is the conclusion. This stage invites you to question what you might have done differently or what more could you have done attached all the positions. The final stage of Gibbs model of reflection is an action plan. What would you do if you encountered the situation again? What about your actions would you change? This is the structure that this essay will follow.Stage 1 DescriptionI was working as a nurse in a Coronary Care Unit (CCU) in London. NMC guidelines (2004) requires healthcare providers to protect all patients confidential information. From this point I will be referring to the patient as enthalpy.Henry is a 45 year old male who was admitted into the Accident and emergency Unit of the hospital where I was working with crushing tit pains radiating to his left arm and his back. Henry had had no previous or family history of coronary disease. The initial observations showed that he had stage 2 high blood pressure (138/78), a heart rate of 85, respiration of 15 and a temperature of 36.5 degrees centigrade. Saturation was 100% at 28% group O via face mask. An cardiogram done in AE showed ST mental picture in leads 11,111 and AVF less than 1mm. TroponinI was32ng/ml.In AE an initial dose of aspirin and 300mgs of clopidogrel was given to Henry. 80mgs of Clexane was also given, along with 5mg of morphinesulphate. 2 puffs of GTN spray was also administered. He was then transferred to CCU for further management. I first came into contact with Henry that morning when he was handed over to me. He had been in a lasting condition when he was admitted to the CCU and had said that he had had a pain fre e night but later complained to one of the senior sisters that he had in fact been suffering but didnt want to disturb anyone since the pain occurred from 4am onwards.When I first encountered Henry he was pale, cold and clammy. GTN spray was administered and I also started oxygen at 28% as his saturation was at 98%. Henry had said his pain was in his central chest and back regions. His ECG results showed ST depression 2mm in leads 11,111,aVF. At this point his BP was 126/80,his heart rate was 100, his respiration rate was 19 and he had a temperature of 36 degrees centigrade. Once I had informed the record-keeper of this I started a GTN infusion and his blood pressure dropped to 110/76.I then wanted to assess the level of pain that Henry had said he was in. I used a numerical rating scale to de considerationine the level of his pain. This numerical scale provides a valuable measure of the understanding of the brashness of pain (Thompson et al, 1994). He had initially scored an 8 out of 10 but after the GTN infusion was administered this dropped down to 5.He was then started on 50mgs of Tirofiban in 200mls of ruler saline and 20,000units of heparin infusion. During this time the registrar arranged for an emergency angiogram at a nearby hospital in London. I arranged for the transfer to be made in the hour. Upon his return, angiogram on his return I check out his angio site for bleeding. I did an ECG and placed him on a cardiac monitor. I checked pedal pulse and did circulatory check in his right leg every hour. I advised him to stay in bed for few hours to subjugate bleeding.When it was discovered that Henry had an Inferior NSTEMI he was scheduled to have an emergency percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) which is performed by passing a balloon tipped catheter from an arteria in the groin or arm and guided to the blocked artery of the heart (American Heart Association, 2008).The balloon is then inflated and removed, leaving in metalstent whi ch squashes the fat deposit that has been blocking the artery and therefore allowing blood to flow more easily. Jowett and Thompson (2003) argue that this method is very useful in alleviating symptoms and improving the prognosis of the patient.I was able to explain the procedure to Henry and then prepared him for the operation by shaving his groin and checking his bloods (including a coagulation screen). I also inserted venflon for intravenous access administered medications such as aspirin, informed the next of kin. The angiography had shown that Henry had 70-90% stenosis in proximal and midsegment section of vessel. The left coronary artery was free of occlusion therefore patient had PCI with drugeluting stents in the right coronary artery.The procedure was successful and I was able to start Henry on the first phase of his cardiac rehabilitation before his discharge. This involves a risk factor assessment and giving advice on how to lead a healthier life through reducing stress , having a healthier diet and taking regular exercise. I also gave him advice on his new drug regiment which would be an important part of his rehabilitation. Of course, longer term rehabilitation is required for patients who have gone through what Henry has gone through. He agreed to attend a exercise program once a week to be conducted in the hospital.A Myocardial Infarction (MI) can have a huge psychological effect on a patient. The changes that a patient is required to make to their lifestyle after suffering an MI can also have a damaging psychological consequences. Before Henry was disaerated I had him fill out a questionnaire that would help determine his depression and anxiety levels based on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale.Stage 2 FeelingsAs a nurse I know that it is impossible to give round the clock, exclusive care to just one patient. I had other patients to attend to on that day who requested my care just as much as Henry. However, I still felt frustrate d that Henry was in so much discomfort and I was also annoyed with myself for not having picked up on this when he had been initially handed over to me. It was left up to the senior sister to sort out me that he had been pain during the night. I also felt frustrated that he didnt feel like he could tell anyone about the pain that he had been experiencing.I felt that on the whole my communication skills had been lacking on this occasion. Had my communication skills been better, I could have picked up on the pain Henry was in much instead. This is perhaps the strongest feeling I have about this experience.Overall I felt relieved that I was able to discharge Henry. CHD is a massive killer in the UK and working on the CCU one experiences many outcomes that arent as positive as Henrys. Of course, I know his life is going to have to dramatically change as a result of his MI but I felt like I had done my best to prepare him for these changes.Stage 3 EvaluationThis stage requires a reflec tion of the experience as a whole and to look at the aspects that were successful and also to look at aspects that werent so successful.Overall I was pleased at the outcome of this experience. However, there are always areas that could be improved on. Perhaps the greatest failure came from not knowing soon enough of the chest pain that Henry had suffered through the night. Had his pain been reported or picked up on sooner then I could have possibly prevented some of the myocardial damage. The GTN infusion could have been administered sooner. The purpose of this infusion is partly because it is useful for analgesia but also because it is useful for the control of ischaemia as it relaxes the smooth muscles, arteries and veins lead to vasodilatation (Hatchett and Thompson, 2007). Had I known of Henrys chest pain right from the start it would have been possible for me to administer this as soon as he was handed over to me.The CCU I work in follows the ESC guidelines for management of NS TEMI. In accordance with this, I started Tirofiban and Heparin infusion. Tirofiban is a nonpeptide mimetic antagonist of glycoprotein 11b/111a receptor. Because Henry was limited by unstable signs and symptoms, protocol states that Tirofiban in combination with Heparin and acetylsalicylic acid will have lower incidence of ischemia.I thought that the care that Henry received before his PTCA and the speed in which he was able to have this surgery was a great success. The PTCA was also a particularly successful. In the BHF Randomised Intervention Treatment of Angina (RITA3) trial of patients with NSTEMI, invasive strategies (PTCA or CABG) were found to be better when compared with more conservative strategies (Collnolly et al, 2002).I also felt that the care Henry received after his PTCA was very successful. The long term effects of this are yet to be realised but in the short term I felt that Henry responded very well to the lifestyle changes he was being asked to make. The long term care of patients who have suffered from CHD requires coordination across many different health care professions. It is often for patients to s mouth through the cracks and skip the parts of the rehabilitation that they find too hard. However, I felt that Henry was determined to get back to a normal life as soon as possible.Stage 4 AnalysisThe purpose of Gibbs model of reflection (1988) is to learn from your experiences. I feel that this stage has been adequately covered by the description given in Stage 1. In this previous section I have given a step by step breakdown of the events as they unfolded. severally part from Henrys admission, to his treatment to the initial stages of his rehabilitation have been covered in sufficient detail above.Stage 5 ConclusionAs already mentioned, one of the areas which I felt was most inadequate throughout this whole experience was communication. Jowett and Thompson (2003) argue that in the highly technical and invasive atmospheric state of a CCU , good communication can sometimes be lacking. Ashworth (1984) argues that a patient needs to feel like healthcare professionals such as nurses need to be helpful, competent and approachable. Nurses in turn have to recognise the individual needs of the patients in their care. This is an area where there were obvious failures. Henry didnt feel able to express the fact that he was in pain because he didnt want to be a nuisance. In an CCU where it is a highly charged atmosphere, it is possible that the patient may feel quite a lot of discomfort but wont speak up because they may feel that they are inconveniencing someone or also they may feel that everyone in the CCU is probably feeling worse than them so they should just deal with the pain and not speak up. This failure to communicate is both the fault of the patient and the healthcare professional but the healthcare professional should be able to recognise when a patient is in pain.Stage 6 Action PlanClinically I feel all the proper guidelines and protocols were applied in the case of Henry. As has already been stated, what was lacking is the communication. I am likely to encounter similar situations again as a nurse in a CCU. CHU is a leading health concern in the UK so it is important that one is able to learn from experiences and use them when encountering similar situations. The role of nurse in a CCU is one that is rapidly evolving and changing so it is important to learn from experiences and apply this learning to everyday practice.What my experience with Henry has taught me is that I need to treat each patient as individuals with individual problems and with differing levels of communication skills. Some patients are good at communicating what they feel while others arent. Spotting that Henry was in pain sooner may have led to less damage of his heart tissue. Of course the damage had already been done before he came into hospital but I may have missed signs that I should have picked up on when he was ini tially handed over to me. As nurses we should be striving to make the patients in our care as comfortable as possible. This especially important in a CCU where patients are having to deal with a variety of problems and a wide range of emotions. It is easy to get caught up in the highly charged atmosphere and not see the patients as individuals. 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