Saturday, August 31, 2019

Different causes for leg pain in children

There are many different causes and diagnoses for leg pain in children.   Developmental stage or age groups   many of these causes.   Some, however, can occur at any age.4The numerous causes of leg pain in children include Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, sports injuries, toddler’s fractures, Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis(here forward referred to in the medical jargon of SCFE), and leg length differences. 4 Related article: Identify Circumstances When Children and Young People Might Require Urgent Medical AttentionLegg-Calve-Perthes is also referred to as Legg-Perthes, here forward to be referred to as LCP.   LCP is rare, and in the United States only occurs at the ratio of 1:1200 children under the age of 15.  Ã‚   The developmental stage when LCP becomes clinically evident is between the ages of 3-12 years of age, with 7 yrs being the median age.1   However, other sources site the specified age range as between 4-8 years, which actually is a representation of the median 7 years stated earlier. 3LCP is characterized not just by developmental age, but by sex, familial, and racial factors as well.   Most LCP patients are Caucasian; in addition, most have a parent or close relative who suffered from the disease as well.1   Males are affected 4-5 times more frequently than females, but this is not a sex-linked trait.   A genetic factor is implied, but with no identifiable gene as of yet.1LCP is defined â€Å"as the idiopathic avascular osteonecrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis of the femoral head.† 1What happens in the case of LCP is this:   due to unknown etiology, the head of the femur, which contains the epiphysis and epiphysial plate, becomes necrotic.   Necrosis, meaning dead or dying tissue, in this case means that no further bone growth can occur, owing to the fact that blood supply has been cut off. 3,4Since new bone cells are produced primarily at the epiphysial plate, no bone growth in the affected leg means that, until treated, it will become shorter than the unaffected leg.  Ã‚   Soon afterward, a noticeable limp occurs due to pain and compensation for the self same pain.   Children suffering from LCP may also have pain in the groin, knee, and thigh as well. 1,2,4Necrosis in the femoral head leads to inflammation, thus being the initial cause of pain.   Activity, especially excessive hip-leg activity such as running or ju mping, will irritate the femoral head and increase the pain level.   The pain can be relieved or lessened by rest. 4X-ray films arrive at definitive diagnosis, but doctors suspecting the problem will look for clinical signs that LCP is present.   These clinical signs include difficulty rotating the knee.   If LCP has existed for some time and gone undiagnosed, other clinical signs will be indicative of its presence, such as atrophy of the buttocks, calf, or thigh muscle.1, 2Those afflicted with LCP receive a myriad of treatments. The treatment plan is most likely individualized for each child depending on the severity of pain, atrophy, and gait difficulties.The treatments used most commonly are â€Å"leg exercises, crutches, casts, bracing, and occasionally traction and surgery.   With proper treatment, the bone will grow back and the child will be able to walk normally without pain.† 4Toddler’s fractures can occur quite easily with a simple fall.   Signs to look for are irritability of the child, persistent complaints of pain, and refusal to walk. These should be relied on heavily as a parent’s diagnosis of a problem, for inflammation and redness are minor at the site above the break. 4The bone fractured in these cases is typically the tibia.   The above-mentioned symptoms warrant immediate medical attention and typically reflect that a fracture has occurred if the child is between 2-4 years old. 4Sports injuries can occur at any age of the active child.   When a sports injury has occurred, pain and limping may result due to , i.e., ankle and knee sprains, or muscle strains.   However, if limping persists after a few days of rest, or if the child refuses to bear weight on the leg,   immediate medical attention is warranted. 4Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis, with the medical acronym of SCFE, â€Å"is a common hip disorder in overweight adolescents†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚   4  The symptoms resulting from the slipped epiphysis are severe pain occurring in the hip and knee.   This, in turn, results in limited movment of the affected hip, and limping.   Diagnosis is by x-ray. 4Treatments would include pain relief as prescribed by the doctor; a usual program of alternating Tylenol and Ibuprophen might be prescribed.   Included in the treatment plan would be immediate counseling of the family and adolescent on proper diet, and allowable exercise considering the ailment.Sickle Cell Disease(SCD) is the severest form of the sickling syndromes; this is because it is homozygous recessive.   In other words, the child carries both recessive alleles on the chromosome.   In all sickling syndromes, the problem results from the genetic error of the red blood cell design.   In the United States, it is estimated that 1:12 Blacks   are carriers of the sickle cell trait, and 1:65 develop sickle cell anemia.   Though predominantly affecting Blacks in the U.S., other   races are susceptible as well:   peo ple from the Mediterranean, India, Asia-Minor, and the Caribbean.Rather than the normal shape of RBC’s, the genetic disorder causes sickle-shaped cells that do not allow oxygen to attach to the protein heme in an effective manner.   This reduces oxygen available in the blood.5The prognosis for children with SCD is poor, in that death occurs during the middle-aged years.   â€Å"Anemia usually is severe, chronic and hemolytic.† 5  Ã‚  Ã‚   Both acute and chronic exacerbations will occur, the frequency of which is most likely tied to emotional and environmental factors.   These environmental factors include emotional upset, situations that lead to dehydration, change of oxygen tension in the body(by infection, which is common, i.e.,), and weather changes – in particular cold.   Environmental factors that can be eliminated altogether to help reduce the recurrence or severity of attacks are alcohol and tobacco. 5The worst-case scenario, which does occur wi th these patients, is vaso-occlusive episodes. In these episodes, circulation is greatly hampered, resulting in pain concentrated in areas of localized necrotizing bone marrow, i.e., the sternum, ribs, long-bones, spine and pelvis.   The occlusion is from clumped, sickle cells that cannot flow out of the area. 5No specific therapy exists for SCD.   However, depending on the type of crisis, be it the need to lower Hb S during an infarction, too little oxygen and RBC’s, severe dehydration, etc., transfusion is a frequent treatment – usually packed red blood cells are the blood component used. 5â€Å"Transial Synovitis of the hip is a cause of hip pain in children.† 7   Ã‚  The adjective ‘transial’ is used because the condition does not last long – approximately a week.   Symptoms of pain occur in one hip, but pain may also be felt in the medial aspect of the knee and thigh.   The pain occurs in the tissue surrounding the hip, not in t he bones themselves.   7The pain increases with different rates in children; some are in the doctor’s office within 1-3 days of onset, some a few days later as the pain peaks.   The child may have a limp, or have trouble standing and walking by the time he’s seen.   Once again, boys are affected more than girls.   The age range affected is from 3-10 years of age. 7Treatment is bed rest for 3-4 days and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories for pain relief, reduction of inflammation and swelling.   The child returns to normal after this time period.   If a temperature is present, the doctor may order x-rays and blood tests to rule out other hip conditions.7Leg Length Differences.   The name is self-explanatory.   â€Å"Some children are either born with or develop a difference in the length of the bones in their legs.† 4     Ã‚  No etiology is given for either scenario, and both situations receive the same set of treatment choices.   Diff erences in leg length between 0-2cm require no treatment most of the time, but shoe lifts may be used.   If the length difference is between 5-15cm, surgery to lengthen one leg or to shorten the other is necessary, unless a prosthesis is chosen for the shorter limb. 4In summary, there are many conditions and diseases that add to the suffering and cause of leg pain in children.   The hip disorders and diseases discussed that are accompanied by knee and/or thigh pain, can be misdiagnosed as injuries originating in the knee, other than compensational pain as the symptoms really are.   Though many affect children at different stages of life and bear different severity of diagnosis and prognosis, all are, 10/26-27/, 10/26-27/06Hall & Brody:   Therapeutic Exercise:   Moving Toward Function, 2nd Editionc 2005, Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins.www.keepkids, 10/26-27/06Phipps, Cassmeyer, Sands, Lehman, Medical-Surgical Nursing,Concepts and Clinical Practice, c 2005, Mosby.Shiel, Jr., William C., MD,, 10/26-27/, 10/26/06DIFFERENT CAUSES FOR LEG PAIN  IN CHILDREN2006

Friday, August 30, 2019

Paiute Indians Essay

Paiute (sometimes written as Piute) is the name given to two related groups of native Americans — the Northern Paiute of California, Nevada and Oregon, and the Southern Paiute who originate in the modern day states of Arizona, southeastern California and Nevada, and Utah. The web page Paiute says that the southern group moved in California in about 1100 C. E. The name may mean either Water Ute or True Ute. Members of both groups speak languages which belong to the Numic branch of the Uto-Aztecan family of Native American languages. Other people groups, namely the Bannock, Mono, Timbisha and Kawaiisu peoples, also speak Numic languages and live in adjacent areas, so they too are sometimes referred to as Paiute, though in some cases are more closely related genetically to the Shoshone people. Powell and Ingalls, in their Ind Alf. Rep. , 1873 said that the name originally belonged to only one group, those from Corn Creek in Utah, but was gradually extended to other bands. The group generally known as the northern Paiutes are closer in relationship to the Shoshone than they are to Southern Paiutes and the southern group are closer to the Utes than to the northern Paiutes. It is in language and customs that they are most closely alike. Ethnologue . com reports that the language of the Northern Paiute, alternately called Paviotso, is spoken over a distance of about 1000 miles although each reservation, there are twenty, tends to have its own dialect. There are about 1,600 speakers out of a population of 6,000, most of these speakers being older people. The group have several names. The Northern group call themselves Numa or Numu while those in the south refer to themselves as Nuwuvi. These terms have an identical meaning , â€Å"the people. † The northern people are on occasions called Paviotso. There was contact between early Spanish explorers and some Southern Paiute who called them the â€Å"Payuchi† (they did not make contact with the Northern Paiute). Other early settlers referred to both groups as ‘Diggers’, now thought of as a derogatory term, but which referred to the people’s practice of digging up roots. Life styles Before other settlers arrived in their areas the people of the north existed in their desert environment. Each smaller band had a specific territory which generally centered on an area of lake or other wetland that ensured a supply of both fish and water-fowl says one web page, but the web page Paiute says definatively that the northern group did not eat fish. Food gathering tended to follow a seasonal pattern, including trading with coastal groups by Southern Paiutes. Communal drives in conjuction with neighbouring bands were the means of hunting animals such as mountain sheep, rabbits and the larger pronghorns, a form of antelope. There seems to have been quite free movement of individuals and families between the various bands. Pinyon nuts, a form of pine nut were gathered on mountain trips in the fall. Pinon nuts have outstanding nutritional value, supplying all amino acids and various vitamins and compare well with pecans, peanuts, and walnuts. They supply all amino acids and provide significant amounts of vitamin A, and have been likened to soya beans as an important food source according to the ‘Goods From The Woods’ web pages. The seeds of wild grasses, berries and other fruit and vegetables such as musk melons, beans, tubers and roots were also food sources. Important implements were a grinding stone and hand stone ( metate and mano) and these were used to crush seeds and make a paste which could be cooked as shown on the Surweb site page Paiute People of Southern Utah. Cultivation was in the hands of the women who created irrigation channels using sticks as digging tools. Each band came from a characteristic food source, the people of the Lovelock area for instance being known as the Koop Ticutta or Eaters of Ground Squirrel. Michael Hittman, in his 1996 book, â€Å"Corbett Mack, the Life of a Northern Pauitr, mentions, ( page 2) the Tabooseedokado or ‘Grass Nut Eaters’ of Smith and Mason valleys, Nevada In the fall the various groups would gather together for dances, ceremonies and marriages, the latter not being marked by any ceremony, but was simply the setting up of a household jointly. Edward Curtis in his book ‘the North American Indian, (Volume 15, page 66) describes dances both for amusement and as a prelude to war. He describes the war dancers as wearing head dresses of eagle feathers and kilts of cords including downy feathers Although monogamy was the most usual form of marriage variants such as sororal polygamy i. e. one man marrying a groups of sisters, as is sometimes the pattern among Mormons, and polyandry, which is when one woman has several husbands, also took place according to Ronald Host in the Utah History Encyclopedia. Houses were of the most basic kind, because the bands moved frequently, and little clothing was worn, but blankets made of rabbit fur were used according to Spartacus Educational. Contacts with Settlers Although the first contact with westerners may have taken place in the 1820s, really sustained contact between the Northern Paiute and Euro-Americans did not occur until 1840s. At that point the native culture was not particularly influenced by the settlers except that they began to use horses. Large numbers however fell victim to smallpox brought to them by infected settlers. However there were some bands in the south who remained more or less in their pristine, pre-settlement state until the1870’s having acces to neither guns nor horses according to S. G. Ellsworth. in ‘the New Utah Inheritance’. In 1851, Mormon settlers began to occupy Paiute water sources. Relations between the Paiutes and the Mormons were on the whole peaceful, mainly because of the efforts of Mormon leader Jacob Hamblin. In 1854, Brigham Young had sent Jacob Hamblin and others to open the Santa Clara Region. The goal was to befriend the Indians and eventually convert them to Mormonism. Hamlin believed that if he never killed Indians, they would kill him Hamblin, together with some Paiutes, was able to establish a settlement near the Santa Clara River where dams were built in order to irrigate the area on a much larger scale than previously according to the Surweb site. There were a number of violent disputes between the natives and settlers such as the Pyramid Lake War of 1860 and the Bannock War of 1878. Such incidents in general began with disagreements between settlers and Paiutes about property. Such disputes would escalate until they required the involvement of the military. European contact with the Southern Paiutes happened first 1776 when Roman Catholic missionaries Silvestre Velez de Escalante and Francisco Atanasio Dominguez came across them while seeking an overland route to the Spanish missions in California. They reported seeing beard men and much later photographs were taken showing bearded Paiutes by John Hilliers, as can be seen on the Surweb page ‘ The Paiute People of Southern Utah’. Between 1854 and 1858 the Mormons tried hard to convert the Paiutes to their beliefs. The two sides on occasions worked together in negative ways as when, in 1857 A mixed group of Mormon militia and Paiutes attacked and killed a group of migrants at Mountain Meadows, Utah according to Virginia Simmons in her book of 2000, ‘The Ute Indians of Utah, Colorado and New Mexico’. A treaty was signed between The Utah Paiutes and the federal government in 1865, but the senate failed to ratify this. In early 1871 John Wesley Powell reached Southern Utah following his exploration of the Grand Canyon. On his first trip the party had run out of food. With the aid of the Paiutes, and their immense knowledge of the area Powell was able to arrange a successful second expedition according to the Surweb page the Paiute People of Southern Utah. The second trip was a scientific one and John Hilliers, a photographer, accompanied Powell. He was able to take many pictures of people who up to that point had had no or minimal contact with westerners. His pictures can be seen on the Surweb Pages, the Paiute People of Southern Utah. The Europeans of whatever origin practised settled agriculture and also introduced large herds of cattle, which led to over grazing. This made it hard for the native people to continue with their traditional life habits. Those living near rivers practised agriculture using the river waters as their means of irrigation. They grew corn, various types of squash and gourds, sunflowers, melons and, in later years, winter wheat. Although there were chiefs, some very influential, leadership was often to do with abilities and so was task orientated such as hunting or making baskets. With the coming of settlers there also came slaving raids from other native groups such as the Utes and Navajos, who then sold their slaves to Europeans. There were other important intrusions into Paiute life. Beatrice Grabish in her article of 1999 ‘Dry Tears of the Aral’ mentions the Owens Valley which was originally populated by Paiutes, but where the water was an attraction to urban developers seeking a permanent supply of water for Los Angeles. She reports how the local environment was devastated by the loss of ground water. Religion The supernatural belief world of the Paiutes revolved around Wolf and Coyote There was a tradition of storytelling about the activities of Wolf and Coyote together with those of other spirit animals. t the fall and winter gatherings. Wolf was considered to be the elder brother and so the more responsible god, while Coyote was often given the role of the trickster. Jesse Jennings, who has studied closely the anthropology of Utah said in 1957 in ‘Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology’, No 14, when speaking of the people’s traditional life style :- In such situations there is little leisure, and almost no certainty about the morrow. No long-term building projects, no complicated rituals, no extensive amassing of personal property nor any long range plans can be undertaken in such circumstances. Reservations In 1874 the American government took away all Paiute land. The Malheur Reservation in Oregon was the first reservation for the northern Pauite. The government’s intention was that the Northern Paiute would be concentrated there, but because of the distance from the traditional areas of th emajority of the bands, together with poor conditions on that reservation, many Northern Paiute refused to go there or quickly left. When it became impossible for them to continue to follow their traditional patterns of life they either looked for work on white farms or in the cities. stablished Small Indian colonies were also formed where they were joined by many Shoshone and Washoe people. Later other large reservations were created such as those at Pyramid Lake and Duck Valley, but the usual pattern was small reservations near cities or farm districts. These often had mixed inhabitants including both Northern Paiute and Shoshone people. 20th Century â€Å"For many Indians the depression years were a relatively good period,† stated Professor Ronald L.  Holt of Weber State University as quoted by Becky Bartholomew ‘History Blazer’ on the web page ‘Utah History to Go’ In the early 20th century the colonies began to be awarded land by the government. In 1927 a Paiute agency was created in Cedar City under the auspices of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Despite this there was little real help available for the Paiutes. The women worked as maids and the Paiute men worked on the railroad, sometimes taking intermittent work on farms as well as working their own small plots on reservation land. In 1933 President Roosevelt had appointed John Collier as a new commissioner of Indian Affairs. With the passing of the Indian Reorganization Act in 1934 colonies were given recognition as independent tribes. Known as the IRA, this act protected existing Indian lands as well as providing the means for additional land purchases. The establishment of tribal and band constitutions and councils was encouraged and funds were provided for the purchase of water rights and the creating of irrigation systems were needed. In the 1950’s the government had a policy of terminating aid to certain groups and the Paiutes were included, although Holt makes it clear that the department of Indian Affairs knew that by the they were then incapable of coping without help. Some of these terminations took a long time to come into effect. Prucha in his 1984 book ‘The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians’ states, ( page 1048) that in the case of the Southern Paiutes there was a three year gap between the act of termination and the date on which it took effect. Over the years the Paiutes campaigned for compensation for their lost lands and this was eventually paid, but at extremely low rates. In 1980 the then president Jimmy Carter ensured that the Paiute people again received federal recognition. In 1984 the Paiutes received 4,470 acres of poor land, not all in one place, but scattered throughout southwestern Utah. There was also a fund of $2. 5 million fund from which the group could draw on the interest. This was to be used for economic and tribal services and has been used to build houses, to open two factories and to provide health and educational facilities. The Future The future for this relatively small people group, probably about 4000 people according to Spartacus International, looks promising at present. Other estimates are rather higher, such as that on the Paiute Indian Tribe History, which claims there are up to 7,000. Naturally as time goes by there will be ever more mixing with the surrounding populations, but, unless there are major legislative changes, Paiutes will be able to follow at least some of their traditional way of life, while at the same time being active citizens of the United States. However it is obvious that certain things are in decline. A language with so few speakers spread over a vast area will soon be only of academic interest, a second language at best rather than a living mother tongue, unless there are moves such as with the Celtic languages in Europe to sustain them for example the Celtic tongues are used in the media and as a teaching medium in schools. There should be no need for war dances in modern America, so these will be just a focus for tourist cameras. With an increased interest in sustainable life styles and the protection of the planet’s resources however the Paiute still could have a valuable role if ancient skills are not lost , but passed on generation to generation.

Duncan’s room

There's no such thing. It is the bloody business which informs Thus to mine eyes. † (2. 1. 23). Macbeth's brain is so overloaded or agitated, about the murder that It projects a symbol of murder, the bloody dagger. After killing Duncan, Shakespeare uses the blood symbol to express Macbeth's fear and guilt over his crime. Macbeth says, â€Å"What hands are here! Hal they pluck out mine eyes† (2. 1. 24). Macbeth says that the sight of the blood or even the idea is so awful it figuratively hurts his eyes, indicating the extent of his stonishment.Macbeth not only is horrified by the murder, but also feels extreme guilt After the killing of King Duncan. â€Å"this Is a sorry sight† (2. 2. 18), proclaimed Macbeth looking at his bloody hands movements after the murder. Maybe Shakespeare is trying to show us that Macbeth has a little sympathy for his wrong doing; however, Lady Macbeth seems to think that's a foolish thing to say. Later that evening lady Macbeth notices a spot on her hand. â€Å"Out, damned spot! , I say! † (5. 5. 29-31). This bloody spot will not come out. Is this a sign of guilt or perhapsShakespeare Is hinting she wont get away with what she did. â€Å"It will have blood, they say, Blood will have blood† (3. 3. 5-39). This meaning whoever is involved In these crimes will someday become victims of them or maybe â€Å"a little water clears us of these deeds† (22. 64) Lady Macbeth thinks this as she washes her hands with water. As seen in the quote, blood symbolism serves as a continuous indicator of characters Sleep is another one of the many symbols used. Sleep is something that is meant to be peaceful and innocent, â€Å"sleep signifies the nature and essence for a person Bernard).In this play it symbolizes death and culpability. It became something people feared rather enjoyed. Some didn't feel safe because they felt like they might be next person to die. â€Å"Me thought I heard a voice crying sleep no mor e! † (2. 2 34-50). Macbeth has killed someone in their sleep but now he cannot sleep. He killed a blameless man and now it's coming back. â€Å"Sleep has now become a torture of the mind rather than to lie in restless ecstasy' (Barnard). It was said before sleep is a representation of innocence; so now that virtuousness has been murdered.He will o longer be able to sleep because of this fault he holds. â€Å"Shakespeare allows Lady Macbeth and Macbeth to commit these crimes but punishes them by not allowing them to rest† (Bernard). They will never be able to turn back. â€Å"done cannot be undone† (5. 1. 30-45). Lady Macbeth states later that once something had been done, you can't go back and reverse it. So even if Macbeth is starting to fell contrite for what he had done it is too late. Shakespeare continues to use the symbols of sleep and sleep withdrawal in his play to express pain and repentance. Both Lady Macbeth andMacbeth experience unfruitful nights. Th e sleep walking scene is a perfectly logical outcome of these feelings. Lady Macbeth was seen sleep walking while talking about the murder. â€Å"Shakespeare is expressing the importance of sleep by using sleep deprivation as a sign of remorse† (Bernard). Her talking in her sleep showed that she felt guilty. Shakespeare also uses the Banquds murderers to warn him of what will happen to him if he continued to go through with the prophecy. â€Å"It will drain him dry as hay; sleep neither night not day hang upon his pent house lid he shall live a man f forbid† (3. 1-20). This is another example of Shakespeare warning Macbeth that his wrong doings will come with no reward. Through the play Shakespeare brilliantly plays around with sleep by using it in ways that are obvious and hidden. He makes the audience think their own definitions of sleep. It makes someone believe that although sleep is precious, it is one thing that only comes easily to people with clear conscience. In Macbeth case, he cannot sleep until he himself is killed. He loses something precious that is often taken for granted because of what he has done.Shakespeare chose to repeatedly mention sleep because whether it is at the end of the day or end the end of ones life, everyone eventually goes to sleep. Yet Shakespeare gives the reader a better idea of how valuable it truly is, Shakespeare also knows how to get you mind thinking by using symbols in the form of other living objects like animals. Sleep and blood are only two of the many symbols used in the play. Shakespeare has interwoven the symbol use of animals throughout his play. Not only does he allude with the accuracy of a naturalist to the peculiarities and habits of ertain targets but also to animals. Shakespeare use of animals is often repellent and even repugnant to the audience† (Olsen). They always serve a purpose. For example the owl was used to represents fatality. â€Å"Tis unnatural a falcon tow ring in her prid e of place was by a musing owl hawked at and killed† (2. 2. 10-21). The owl represents Macbeth and the falcon represents King Duncan who Macbeth killed. Expressing how unnatural it is for an owl to kill a hawk because owls usually for mice. Duncan. The owl announcing Duncan's death is revealing how it is connected to the upernatural world.Just like the owl was used as an import and symbol, so was the bird. â€Å"The raven himself is hoarse: that croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan under my battlement†(l . 5. 38-40). The raven is a bird of ill. Lady Macbeth was referring that even the bird was Horace from saying king Duncan must die, lady Macbeth was trying to say the bird was a sign that they should go on with the plan and kill the king. This symbol Just like all the others, is giving the reader a hint for something to happen in the future of the play, Shakespeare also has ways to make an audience feel some ype of way when something has occurred. They have tied me to a stake; I cannot fly but bear like I must fght the curse†

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Use of Modeling and Simulation in the Design of the Boeing 777 Essay - 8

Use of Modeling and Simulation in the Design of the Boeing 777 - Essay Example The Boeing 777 is one of the most successful commercial airplanes made in the industry. The design process started in 1990 and the first plane was delivered in 1995, a remarkably short design period for a complex engineering product such as an airplane. Though the plane was initially designed for a production run of 300 planes, as of August 2013, over 1100 of these wide-body airlines had been delivered. Airlines continue to order these planes 17 years after the first production and the current production rate is 100 a year (Tinseth, Randy, 2013). The aircraft has also had an unblemished safety record and even the crash of the Asiana Airlines plane at San Francisco airport in July 2013 has been attributed to pilot error. The aircraft industry design process has been described as â€Å"design- mockup- rework-prototype-test-revise-produce-test-revise-produce-test† cycle (Snyder, Charles, R., et al, 1998, p34). Boeing 777 design process was dramatically different from earlier practice in the airline industry. Wolf L. Glende, the Chief Engineer – Systems of the Boeing 777 programme says that the plane was conceived as a model urgently needed to fill the gap between the 747 and the 767. The design target was a plane that could carry 300 and 500 passengers over distances up to 7500 nautical miles at a cruise speed of 0.84 much. The Boeing 777 was the first commercial airplane designed with active participation from its customers. Boeing worked with eight major airlines from the US, Europe and South East Asia to configure the plane they preferred (Glende, Wolf, L., p 5-2). One key objective was to reduce by at least 50% the change, error and rework that is typical of large engineering system design projects. These objectives were achieved by adoption of certain core processes discussed below (Glende, Wolf, L., p 5-3). Design of a large airplane involves large teams, employed by different organizations and at various locations. Design activities tend to be done in series with results â€Å"thrown over the fence† with incomplete communication. The job specialization of each time makes for incomplete understanding and inter-organization rivalry. For the 777, Boeing created multi-functional Design/Build Teams (DBT) for each major subsystem of the airplane such as Structures, Avionics, Mechanical/Hydraulics, Propulsion and Payload.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Health Informatics Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health Informatics - Article Example It evaluates the environmental factors that affect internal and external business operations within the health sector. This aids in designing viable modalities of correcting possible complications that may affect performance (Procter, 2009). Effective business assessment is achievable through application of credible informatics ideals and information technology (IT) systems. This explains the relationships between the concepts because IT enabled systems enhance the evaluation of business processes and provision of reliable results (Hayes & Aspray, 2010). This is useful in health institutions where assessment of performance may be difficult based on the data concerns. In such an environment, the use of IT enabled systems is paramount in enabling managers to perform effective business analysis. Analysis of operations is critical because healthcare focuses on delicate services that are provided based on guidelines. Health administrators are answerable for evaluating their operations with the intent of establishing the quality of the services, data management and the use of modern equipments (Hayes & Aspray, 2010). The application of the IT and informatics seeks to expand nursing services to cover more patients and provide accurate and quality services. It will also develop vibrant health institutions that understand patient needs with proper storage of data. Organizations obtain, process, and store various types of data that focus on their daily operations and contribute to their performance (Procter, 2009). The data may range from finances, supplies, customers’ and employee data. This information must be managed under set guidelines to ensure optimal confidentiality as ethically required. This is achievable through systematic data management procedures that are not interrupted (Lewis, 2005). Health institutions that manage patient data relating to lab report, medicine

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Polishing a Written Agreement Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10750 words

Polishing a Written Agreement - Thesis Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chapter One Description of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter Two Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Chapter Three The Proposed Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Chapter Four The Intervention Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Chapter Five Data Collection Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Chapter Six Summary of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Chapter One Description of the Problem Statement of the Purpose In presenting the purpose of the project, it is important to lay down the premises at the outset. As stated in the abstract, the thesis is about the Keyholder Agreement. It is a bilateral written covenant although there are actually three parties, GE Security, Inc., the key-holder and the Organization to where the key-holder belongs. Owing to concerns about the perception that the Keyholder Agreement has become lengthy or complicated or both after a considerable period of time, it is advisable to review this written contract. Apparently, the purpose of this project is to therefore see if there is a need to either (a) simplify and make clearer the Keyholder Agreement especially to the key-holders, (b) or shorten the Keyholder Agreement,...(Daly, David T. Five Ways to Make a Contract More Understandable: A Lesson from the Mackinac Bridge. Plain Language.[internet]). It is thus pragmatic to use the language and content structure which are best understood by the executing parties without sacrificing the substance of the instrument. In the present case, the subject is the so-called Keyholder Agreement which has to be studied and analyzed in order to arrive at the suggestion of whether or not to revise, modify or amend it. In presenting the purpose of the project, it is important to lay down the premises at the outset. As stated in the abstract, the thesis is about the Keyholder Agreement. It is a bilateral written covenant although there are actually three parties, GE Security, Inc., the key-holder and the Organization to where the key-holder belongs. Owing to concerns about the perception that the Keyholder Agreement has become lengthy or complicated or both after a considerable period of time, it is advisable to review this written contract. Apparently, the purpose of this project is to therefore see if there is a need to either (a) simplify and make clearer the Keyholder Agreement especially to the key-holders, (b) or shorten the Keyholder Agreement, (c) or simplify the Keyholder Agreement, make it clearer and shorten it. At this point, it is pertinent to stress that the subject contract, coming from GE Security, Inc., is on

Monday, August 26, 2019

Travel report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Travel report - Essay Example Kilometers (Madeline 6). Summers are scorching and dry, and winters are trivial. Most of the rain falls during November-February. Temperatures rise to 30 C in midsummer, but the brisk breeze cools the air. The sunny and warm coastal are ideal for tourists. Most of the fruits, cotton, vegetables, tobacco and grain are grown on the coast (Madeline 7-8). Turkey’s population is about 65 million. Majority of the population is extremely young with 30 percent of the population under 15 years. 40 per cent of the citizens live in the state side though there have been a move to town in large numbers lately. Population density is premier on the business, industrial and tourist areas of the Aegean, Marmara and the Mediterranean regions and lowest on the rural areas of the southwest Turkey (Madeline 11). The first chief empire was built by Hittites which came to an end when Turkish people dominated Anatolia which saw the development and growth of the Ottoman Empire. During World War 1, the empire entered into alliance with Germany, and it was defeated and occupied. This transformed the politics of the country. It prompted the beginning of a nationalist movement which repelled the occupying armies and liberated the country. During World War II, it became a chartered member of United Nations. It political system is based on separation of powers among the Constitution, Executive and Parliament. The president is elected by the Grand National Assembly every seven years (Madeline 13-15). Turkey has a varied culture resulting from various elements of Ottoman Empire, European and Islamic traditions. Turkish culture has significantly changed from the religion driven Ottoman Empire to the modern nation state with an extremely stout separation amongst state and religion. Because of diverse historical features playing domineering role in defining Turkish Identity, it culture is an indispensable amalgamation of clear struggles to be modern and Western,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Importance of Looking at Debt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Importance of Looking at Debt - Essay Example NPV = 41.22 Q3#: Internal Rate of Return: Through interpolation: 11.5 41.22 x 0 15 -1062.96 IRR = 13.55 Pay Back Period: Payback Period = Number of years of full recovery + remaining cashflow / total cash flow Payback Period = 4+ 7424.6/10680.22 = 4.69 Years Q#4: Each cash inflow/outflow is discounted back to its PV. Then they are summed. Therefore Where t = the time of the cash flow n = the total time of the project r = the discount rate Ct = the net cash flow (the amount of cash) at time t. C0 = the capital outlay at the beginning of the investment time ( t = 0 ) What NPV tells With a particular project, if Ct is a positive value, the project is in the status of cash inflow in the time of t. If Ct is a negative value, the project is in the status of cash outflow in the time of t. Appropriately risked projects with a positive NPV should be accepted. This does not necessarily mean that they should be undertaken since NPV at the cost of capital may not account for opportunity cost, i.e. comparison with other available investments. In financial theory, if there is a choice between two mutually exclusive alternatives, the one yielding the higher NPV should be selected. The following sums up the NPV's various situations. NPV > 0 the investment would add value to the firm the project should be accepted NPV NPV = 0 the investment would neither gain nor lose value for the firm the project could be accepted because shareholders obtain required rate of return. This project adds no monetary value. Decision should be based on other criteria, e.g. strategic positioning or other factors not explicitly included in the calculation. The project of...The following sums up the NPV's various situations. NPV = 0 the investment would neither gain nor lose value for the firm the project could be accepted because shareholders obtain required rate of return. This project adds no monetary value. Decision should be based on other criteria, e.g. strategic positioning or other factors not explicitly included in the calculation. The project of this NPV is +ve and the IRR of this project, JPE should continue with the acquisition of Campbell. The IRR being greater than the cost of capital shows that the clearly shows that the project has a higher return than its cost. Therefore it should be accepted. There is no quick and easy way for investors to get a handle on a company's debt situation. But as a starting point, debt ratios offer a valuable method for assessing a company's fundamental health. Looked at in context and over time, debt ratios can offer valuable signals of deepening debt problems. Recognizing those situations can save investors a lot of money. While debt ratios tell investors little about a company's growth prospects or earning performance, these ratios are vital tools for gauging balance sheet durability. If, for instance, a recession or downward cyclical phase is on the way, balance sheet strength becomes more important for investors.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Rogerian Theory includes the concept of Necessary and Sufficient Essay

Rogerian Theory includes the concept of Necessary and Sufficient conditions for client change. Discuss these conditions in DETAIL - Essay Example The conditions include: The two people he referred to were the patient and his therapist. The first condition states that there has to be a relationship in terms of psychological contact for change to occur. He, however, indicates that this condition is a hypothesis and is open to disapproval (Sharf, 2012). By saying this, he means that for a change to occur there has to be dissimilarity between the client’s actual experience and his or her self picture the experience. This implies that the client has to be in a state of inadequacy (Sharf, 2012). Unlike the client, Carl suggests that the therapist has to be himself and his actual experiences have to be accurately represented by the knowledge he has of himself. He has to be in a state of adequacy. It is only through this that the change can occur. By saying this, he means that the therapist has to experience a warm acceptance of the client’s incongruence or inadequacy as being part of the client. This means that the therapist must not have conditions for accepting a client (Sharf, 2012). All clients must be equally accepted regardless of their experiences. The therapist must sense his or her client’s private world, in a way, that feels like it was his own, but without losing the congruence to his own knowledge of himself. His remarks and assertions should conform to the client’s content and mood, and he should be in a position to comprehend the client’s feelings. This is called empathy. This implies that the client must understand, to a minimal degree, the empathy and acceptance he or she is offered by the therapist. It is only when some aspects of these attitudes are perceived that change can occur (Sharf,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Hazard and vulnerability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hazard and vulnerability - Essay Example The assumption that 'natural' disasters are inherently and predominantly natural phenomena has tended to exclude the social sciences from consideration in much of the spending that is done in disaster preparedness. This is despite the fact that over the last twenty years a considerable literature on disasters has emerged from human geography, sociology, anthropology and (to a lesser extent) economics. For many years, social science has contributed to policy formation for disasters (especially in the Third World) through the activities of many Non-Government Organisations (NGOs). The initial development of vulnerability analysis is then rooted in social science, and in a sense has constituted a political economy of disasters to the analysis of devastating events that are normally associated with natural hazards. At its most simplistic, vulnerability analysis asserts that for there to be a disaster there has to be not only a natural hazard, but also a vulnerable population. Much of the conventional work on disasters has been dominated by 'hard science', and has been a product of the prominence that natural phenomena have acquired in the disaster causation process. But this 'physicalist' approach is also a result of the social construction of disasters as events that demonstrate the human condition as subordinate to Nature.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Enhancing Employability in Marketing Assignment

Enhancing Employability in Marketing - Assignment Example Particularly, the banking and finance industry has witnessed this and there is since a vacancy hence the need to employ more marketers and advertisers in London as its the country’s hub. Financial services, professional services, not-for-profit and media are hiring the majority of marketers in London (Anderson & Marsh, 2011). Also, another current trend worth taking note of in the marketing and advertising industry in the U.K is high demand for digital marketers. Technology has revolutionized the traditional way of doing business. Companies are now hiring personnel who can compete globally and those who are techno-savvy. For example, online marketing is a tool used by most companies that want to gain a global audience. This therefore means that there will be a very high demand for digital marketers who can use various online methods as channels of communication. Another significant trend in this industry is demand for marketers driven by regional specific industries. Each region in the U.K has a specialized marketing need. They will therefore hire marketers who they think will be most appropriate for those various needs. An example would be Leeds is dominated by retail, financial and professional services; Sheffield by manufacturing and public sector; Greater Manchester has a diverse mix of industry, com merce, public sector, as well as dominating the creative agency sector outside of London. The location of the port cities of Liverpool and Newcastle mean they operate almost as separate economies in their own right. This means that the demand for marketers will vary greatly and will definitely depend on the demand and supply rule otherwise known as Adams invisible hand theory. (CBI employability report 2010). Finally, the industry has also experienced a high turnover in the fast moving consumer goods sector.

Professional standards outline Essay Example for Free

Professional standards outline Essay Professional standards outline the auditors consideration of material misstatements due to errors and fraud. a) What responsibility does an auditor have to detect material misstatements due to errors and fraud? The purpose of assurance engagement is enhancing the reliability of the subject matters. So it is auditors responsibility to provide a reasonable level to assure the financial report is true and fair. Financial report is a data assembling which reflect the position of the business. Therefore these users, including investors, managements, shareholders and the other parties can make decision base on the information provided by the financial report. Then the information which impacts on the process of decision making for the uses of the financial report is defined as materiality (Kimmel, Carlon, Loftus, Mladenovic, Kieso, Weygandt, 2006). The fairness and trueness of the material is important to the users of financial reports. The major task of auditor is to identify the misstatement in the financial report. By definition, misstatement is a difference between the amounts, classification, presentation or disclosure of a reported financial report item and the amount, classification, presentation or disclosure that is required for the item to be in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. There are two kinds of misstatements and they rise from error or fraud respectively (Auditing, Assurance and Ethics Handbook, 2010). But by the limitation of auditing, financial report audit only provides reasonable assurance instead of total responsibility to the fairness and trueness of the reports. The auditors can assure about whether the financial report is prepared in all material respects in accordance with a financial reporting framework. The reason of the limitation is determined by the nature of financial reporting, the nature of audit procedures and the need for the audit to be conducted within a reasonable period of time and at a reasonable cost (Moroney, Campell, Hamilton, 2011). b) What two main categories of fraud affect financial reporting? By definition, fraud is an intentional act through the use of deception to obtain an unjust or illegal advantage. These two main categories of fraud are financial reporting fraud and misappropriation of assets fraud. Generally say misappropriation of assets fraud involves some form of theft. Therefore misappropriation of assets fraud will decrease the assets and increase the expenses then it will reduce the owner’s equity of the company (Auditing, Assurance and Ethics Handbook, 2010). Financial reporting fraud is intentionally misstating items or omitting important facts from the financial report (Moroney, Campell, Hamilton, 2011). In Cendant case, the fraud is the accounting department manipulating the revenues to meet the expectation of Wall Street analyst. Than the company can have more opportunities to merge other companies. The affect of the financial reporting fraud will increase sales therefore increase the profit of the company. The financial reporting with fraud will indicate the future earning ability to the share market therefore rising the share price in the exchange market. c) What types of factors should auditors consider when assessing the likelihood of material misstatements due to fraud? First the auditors should consider the company economical environment to identify whether there are incentives and pressures to commit a fraud (Moroney, Campell, Hamilton, 2011). CUC is in the travel service industry which is highly competitive. And CUCs revenue has dramatic doubled in the mid-1990s. To merge the other company, the companys profit has to keep increasing to meet the analysts’ expectation. So the managements of CUC have pressures to create more profit by fraud financial figures. Second the auditors should look into the financial report whether there are opportunities to perpetrate a fraud. (Moroney, Campell, Hamilton, 2011) In this case, CUC made various year-end adjustments to the general ledger. Those significant adjustments created great opportunities to make a fraud. Finally, attitudes and rationalisation to justify a fraud need to be assessed by the auditors. (Moroney, Campell, Hamilton, 2011)CUC has been required to amend its financial statements by the Securities and Exchange Commission several times for using aggressive accounting practices in later 1980s and early 1990s. And from CUCs high speed expand, the companies top management showed high enthusiasm to maximise the share price. So the top level managements have created a flexible environment for the financial fraud. d) Which factors existed during the 1995 through 1997 audits of CUC that created an environment conducive for fraud? Seeking the incentives and pressures to commit a fraud, material stated in the early and mid-1990s CUC acquired several companies to expand market share. Those acquisitions included Entertainment Publications in 1992, Net Market in 1994, Welcome Wagon International, Home Shopping Travel Club, Privacy Guard in 1995, Sierra On-Line, Davidson Associates in 1996. CUC also came into the new contracts with big companies such as Intel, Time Warner and American Airlines. CUC had doubled revenues from 738m in 1993 to 1.4b in 1996 and at same time CUCs net income rose from 25m to 163m (CUC International Inc. Company Profile, Information, Business Description, History, Background Information on CUC International Inc.). CUC was in highly increasingly competitive industry. To maintain high growth rate hut pressures on the managements. However, for year-end reporting purposes, CUC made various year-end adjustments to incorporate the misstatements into the general ledger. Those adjustments are the opportunities to perpetrate a fraud. Question 2: Entitys 5 interrelated components of internal control a) What responsibility does an auditor have related to each of these five components? Internal control is the process designed, implemented and maintained by those charged with governance, management and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance about the achievement of the entitys objectives with regard to reliability of financial reporting, effectiveness and efficiency of operations and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Internal control framework is one of the independent reference for auditors to gather. The auditors need to test the five components of the internal control to identify the level of risk to error or fraud. The auditors need to test the effectiveness, consistent, inspection of documents for evidence of authorisation, inspection of documents for evidence that details included have been checked by appropriate client personnel, personnel performing,how they perform their tasks and re-performing control procedures. 1) The control environment The control environment is the attitudes, awareness and action of management and those charged with governance concerning the entitys internal control and its importance in the entity. And the control environment sets the foundation for effective internal control, providing discipline and structure and includes several elements such as, communication and enforcement of integrity and ethical values, commitment to competence, participation by those charged with governance, managements philosophy and operating style, organisational structure, assignment of authority and responsibility, human resource policies and practices. The auditor should consider each of these areas and their interrelationships. Especially, the auditor need to identify the significant deficiencies. 2) The entitys risk assessment process The entitys process for identifying and responding to business risks, in the financial reporting area, is how management find risks in the preparation of a financial report that is true and fair. There are three kinds of risks, inherent, control and detection risks. Inherent risk is the susceptibility of an assertion to a misstatement that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements, assuming there are no related controls. Control risk is the risk that a clients system of internal controls will not prevent or detect a material misstatement. Detection risk is the risk that the auditors testing procedures will not be effective in detecting a material misstatement. And auditors need to assess the combined inherent, control and detection risks to evaluate the risk of the material misstatements. 3) The information system, including the related business processes, relevant to financial reporting, and communication. The role of information systems is to capture and exchange the information needed to conduct, manage and control an entitys operations. Auditors will test the information system related to the financial reporting objectives as same as initiating and recording transactions, balance and events. 4) Control activities Policies and procedures that help ensure that management directives are carried out. An audit need to categorise activities such as performance reviews, information processing, physical controls, segregation of incompatible duties. Those activities are easier to be test by the auditors compare those entity-level control activities. 5) Monitoring of controls After establishing and maintaining internal controls, an important responsibility of management is to monitor the controls to assess whether they are operating as intended and modified for changes in conditions on a timely basis. An audit needs to collect evidence about the design and effectiveness of internal controls. Those considerations include periodic evaluation, person in charge, communication channel, management implements, correcting significant deficiencies, implements reports and recommendations from regulators, function of internal audit and evaluations or observations made by the external auditors (Moroney, Campell, Hamilton, 2011).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas Faced by KFC

Ethical Dilemmas Faced by KFC 1.0 Introduction There are many ethical dilemmas that an organisation face and one of the organisations which faces major dilemmas is the Kentucky Fried Chicken. Firstly, the main objective of this report is to provide a discussion about the dilemmas faced by KFC and the ethical dilemmas that the company encounters. Secondly, evaluate the relative importance of these dilemmas and how Kentucky Fried Chicken is currently dealing with them. Then introduce the Kentucky Fried Chicken ethical best practices and values. Last give recommendations and strategic options to Kentucky Fried Chicken. 2.0 The main ethical dilemmas facing Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC is the most popular fast food brands in the world. The company was found by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952. KFC now boasts of operating, franchising, and serving a worldwide chain of around 11,000 fast food restaurants that prepare, package and sell a menu of ready to eat foods. (Source: KFC office website: ) With the development of the living standard of the people. People can found obviously, more and more people change the health and nutritional attitudes and behaviours. People more concerned with their health and figures than ever before. Obviously, the reason for this increased concern is because of the fact information be reported in everywhere and every reports and research about fast food has no nutrition. It is junk food. It can not eat much. and so on. This is a dilemmas for KFC have faced, because it has already gain the reputation of a fast food that continuously provides greasy unhealthy food; .The company should do something about potential increase of shareholder value. Being one of the most popular fast food restaurants and with millions of people patronising the products and foods offered by the company, it is important the company adheres to ethical standards specifically in terms of providing healthy foods. However, it has been observed that Kentucky Fried Chicken is using oil which contains Trans fatty acids. This kind of oil is noted to increase cholesterol and even increased the risk of having heart disease. As authorities discovered this, the case was being carried over by the consumer group centre for Science in the Public Interest and told the company to use healthier cooking products than the one they are using.( Source : Ethics Management KFC) China has large population. To KFC, it has a large market and has got great success in china. It happen a great important event ‘ADK. KFC use food ingredients for cooking with the Sudan Red in their new product called New Orleans Roasted Wing. Chinas health ministry found it and stops KFC using the food ingredients for cooking with the Sudan Red. Let KFC use the safety food ingredients for cooking instead. ( Source: KFC Falls Prey to Sudan I) The shareholder of the Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation in order to gain competitive advantage, reduce the cost. Kentucky Fried Chicken is using oil which contains Trans fatty acids and food ingredients for cooking with the Sudan Red. Do the bad job; it is not act as supervisory role. The supplier supplies the oil which contains Trans fatty acids and food ingredients for cooking with the Sudan Red. It price hikes for exorbitant profits. This kind of behavior was a fraud. The government agency in case of finding defects, take corrective action accordingly. Then let the company to use healthier cooking products instead. It is protecting the interests of consumers. 3.0 Evaluate the Kentucky Fried Chicken dilemmas and Kentucky Fried Chicken deal dilemmas 3.1 Elevate the Kentucky Fried Chicken dilemmas KFC use the oil which contains Trans fatty acids and food ingredients for cooking with the Sudan Red in their new product called New Orleans Roasted Wing. It influences the brand and brings some negative effect, such as: bad press, media report, even in some countries, people demonstrated for boycott Kentucky Fried Chicken. Kentucky Fried Chicken may have said that they are not using these kinds of oils and food ingredients for cooking with the Sudan Red in their new product called New Orleans Roasted Wing to adhere to ethical standards of protecting the health of their customers. In order to increase international competitiveness and lead in competition than any other competitors, such as, McDonald, Subway, Pizza-Hut and so on. The traditional ethical stance of the company is to prevent actual problems on health and nutrition. However, there is an obvious lack for long term plans that will also maintain these developments even in years to come. Kentucky Fried Chicken should then realize that the company does not only have a responsibility to their current customers but to future generations as well. The scope of responsibility as cited in this discussion should include the provision of respect for others, honest and pure intentions as well as protection from harm. The management of the company should be responsible in maintaining that healthy and nutritional foods which future generations will need as well so as to survive. But Kentucky Fried Chicken realizes the gravity of the situation. It stopped use the kinds of oils and food ingredients for cooking with the Sudan Red and take effective steps to plan a rescue operation for the dilemmas. The Kentucky Fried Chicken has its own principle. It is customer focus. The companys ethical stance should not be based on short term goals. The company is still encountering negative issues brought about by its negligent behavior. But these efforts do not directly address the problem. The company is still encountering negative issues brought about by its negligent behaviors. 3.2 Kentucky Fried Chicken deal dilemmas KFC though the media report, make a public apology for use the oil which contains Trans fatty acids and food ingredients for cooking with the Sudan Red. KFC also make a promise for consumers in general. Never use the oil which contains Trans fatty acids and food ingredients for cooking with the Sudan Red. It has promised a thorough investigation into the affair. KFC find a sound business firm to cooperation. Let the government agency reinspection.The firm dropped its supersizing options, and put a range of new healthy options on the menu, including salads and grilled chicken flatbreads and so on. Due to use the oil which contains Trans fatty acids, provide some negative effect, it make the consumer reduce. Overall sales are down. So KFC make the promotion, like produce economic suite, increase profits by reducing costs or distribute special discount voucher in public places also can download from KFC official website. 4.0 Kentucky Fried Chicken best practice s and Value Kentucky Fried Chicken often join the in public service activities and committed to its communities. Kentucky Fried Chicken in China often giving back to the community. From 1992 to 1997, the Kentucky Fried Chicken contributes funds for Chinese† hope project† every year. It has sponsored the One Million Peoples Love Movement and the 1 (family) + 1 (dropout) Help Movement, mobilizing the entire society to help dropouts return to school. From the 1996 to 1997, only two years, the collection of funds runs up to 2.5 million. (Source: KFCs community activities ) May 12th, 2008. The Sichuan province of China suffers an earthquake. Kentucky Fried Chicken contributes funds15.8 million through the China Charity Federation, Chinese Red Cross Foundation and China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation. Except the donate money, Kentucky Fried Chicken also offer the supply of some essential goods like purified water, bread, sunshade, health gauze mask †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦for earthquake in Sichuan . (Source: List of Donors of Sichuan earthquake ) Kentucky Fried Chicken contributes funds. One aspect is Kentucky Fried Chicken make contribute to social benefit. On the other hand, it will bring the intangible benefit to Kentucky Fried Chicken. Such as, join the public benefit activities, Brand name awareness will increase. Kentucky Fried Chicken has attracted a lot of publicity. For example: Kentucky Fried Chicken joins the public benefit activities, the media report, newspaper and internet will report the current events. People will know the best practice of Kentucky Fried Chicken. The Kentucky Fried Chicken behavior left public a very good impression. This is intangible benefit, intangible asset. Brand name awareness of Kentucky Fried Chicken was improved. Kentucky Fried Chicken buy the chicken, vegetables, bread, packing chest equipment and building construction materials from materials suppliers. Kentucky Fried Chicken evaluate and to train the related materials suppliers. The kind of behavior bring the tangible benefit to Kentucky Fried Chicken, It helps the materials suppliers improve the product quality. Kentucky Fried Chicken can use good raw material, make tasty food. 5.0 Recommendation to Kentucky Fried Chicken With the dilemmas faced by Kentucky Fried Chicken, the recommendation for the company should be able to use an ethical management strategy that will uplift the image of the company. 5.1 The way for creativity spread Kentucky Fried Chicken though the media, internet and other ways to uplift the image of the company. For example: The new advertising creative design is remarkable. In a short period of time, KFCs brand image will be into the minds of consumers. Looking back the past three years, Kentucky Fried Chicken ad is easily find, KFC more often reflect the image of its localization. Through nutrition, health, and thanksgiving brochures design, it has let the customer out from the â€Å"2005 Sudan incident† shadows. It is more of recognition of its brand and products. So it needs creativity of media to spread. In the market, it should confirm and locked on target customer. Though creative advertising, to achieve the product image and brand effectively increase and promotion. Kentucky Fried Chicken can advertising on bus. It can show the KFCs slogan an also can show the promotion information.   It should related peoples life. 5.2 Innovative promotions Sales promotion is an important market tool to enhance product sales. Meanwhile, we also can see that this was also an important way to show the corporate brand image. For example: In Malaysia, McDonald makes a promotion. It is Mc Value lunch 12 noon-3 pm, Monday-Sunday. It gets good effect. So when Kentucky Fried Chicken in the design of promotional programs, there must be new and unique. Let the consumer and media also can join it, the media reporting and dissemination initiative. The promotions plan can get the consumers allow. Corporate image and brand in their promotional activities have been further consolidated and increased. 5.3 Take effective measures Due to more and more people change the health and nutritional attitudes and behaviours. People more concerned with their health and figures than ever before. Obviously, the reasons for this increased concern is because of the fact information and KFC use the ingredients include hazardous substance. KFC should take effective measures. KFC can establish dietician department. Make the healthy and nutritious food and make the nutritional survey and food inspection report to the product. The dietician department also should to make a food safety inspection. In order let public set their mind at rest, KFC can invite the food inspector to food inspection. In respect to choice the suppliers, it cant careless .It should choice a sound business firm and prevent bad things from happening again. 6.0 Conclusion Business ethics is currently a very prominent business topic, and the debates and dilemmas surrounding business ethics have tended to attract an enormous amount of attention from various quarters. For a start, consumers and pressure groups appear to be increasingly demanding firms to seek out more ethical and ecologically sounder ways of doing business. The media also constantly seems to be keeping the spotlight on corporate abuses and malpractices. And even firms themselves appear to be increasing recognizing that being ethical (or at the very least being seen to be ethical) may actually be good for business. Ethical issues confront organizations whatever line of business they might be in. (Source; business ethics 2nd edition, author; Andrew Crane, Dirk matten.) In a word, it can be said that business ethical is very important to a business organization. It can help a business organization easily earning the respect of clients and win general acclaim. Contrary to the belief that social responsibility undermines businesses profitability goal, this actually help in generating profit through customer loyalty and good company image. For Kentucky Fried Chicken, the KFC Company must be able to ensure that the products that they offer are healthy and nutritional, so that it can make sure that Kentucky Fried Chicken can gain customer trust, loyalty, respect and the corporate image will be protected and developed.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sign Language Policy And Planning Education Essay

Sign Language Policy And Planning Education Essay To promote the students who get knowledgeable about the sociolinguistic circumstance of minority sign language, the strategies from maintenance and merchandising the same sign language. To help the students who gain awareness of the nature and process of language change and the various theories towards development and practical utilization in endeavour language change that the maintenance and urge sign language on. To provide the students who are the significant analyse experts that desire to be fascinated by sign language planning and policy which contains data collection, analysis and presentation. To deepen the students understanding who utilize the knowledge of the legislation and policy system from sign language planning in international that do letter with reference to some particular counties and international progression. A case study is probable to provide the different interpretation which method of sign bilingualism from variety national and progress understanding of key policies. For example sign bilingual, sign language recognises two signs in ASL and ISL for sign bilingual. A case study demonstrates the theories related to language planning and language policy which is meaningful. To analyse the theoretical debate emission related to language planning and policy. The policies are different compared to urge on sign language that policies in bilingual. The analysis difference that can influence language utilization and language attitudes in social. Indicate the talent to analyse theoretical methods which influence minority of sign language planning and policy. I understand about this topic by Linguistic Policies, Linguistic Planning, and Brazilian Sign Language in Brazil and Language Policy and Planning: I have read the case study of The Case of Italian Sign Language. The reason I chose the topic is because am fascinated to know more about language planning and policy, the difference the deaf association contact other deaf people of minority sign language in Brazil and Italian deaf have urged on sign language which minority of deaf community. In Italy, sign language was approved however In Brazil, sign language was not approved. Language policy: Language policy does in fact go further than this, for it includes not just the regular patterns of choice, but also beliefs about choices and the values of varieties and of variants, and also, most saliently, the efforts made by some to change the choices and beliefs of others. If you want to find out about the language policy of a speech community, of whatever size or nature, the first step is to study its actual language practices, in other words to describe what Dell Hymes (1974) called the ethnography of communication and what others call the sociolinguistic repertoire or the linguistic ecology. Fundamental to understanding language policy is the realization that all linguistic ecologies are complex contextualized repertoires of linguistic units of various sizes that may be seen as consolidating from time to time into recognizable linguistic varieties that are sometimes accorded a name or label ( Bernard Spolsky, 2005). This comprehension takes some the point. It is momentous of this has been an enormous wave of interest multiculturalism on the part of political philosopher. The language argument take into play a number of concept and appreciation have been traded with vast in the multiculturalism literature, including quality, recognition, freedom, identity, democracy and cultural preservation. Linguistic majority have endeavoured to standardize the utilization of their languages in the public and the protests of other language group. Language planning: Language planning can be divided into three subtypes: status planning, corpus planning, and acquisition or educational planning. Status planning refers to all efforts undertaken to change the use and function of a language (or language variety). The recognition (or lack of recognition) of a language as an official language is part of status planning. The standardization (a codified form) of a certain language or language variety involving the preparation of a normative grammar and dictionary, as well as the modernization of the lexicon, is all part of corpus planning (Trude Schermer, 2012). This comprehension takes some the point. Language planning works in the country in question have been appreciated with the assistance of living literature and detail from experts in the field. The research has particularly concentrated on the status and corpus of exogenous and hazarded languages and on the role of education system in language planning. Background of Brazil and Italy Brazil is still contemplated as a monolingual nation where Portuguese is the language used broadly. However in Brazil there are smaller groups of people speaking other languages. Brazilians utilize all language and want to know about language policy that maintenance language in Brazilian city (Ronice Muller De Quadros, 2012). Schools still support the idea of using the Portuguese language. The Portuguese language has idiom alone that are easy to understand with the fact of existing different Portuguese dialects on language that is critical. India begun to be contemplated in some of company that includes education. The school established the native language, the language of teaching and the student indispensable to the native second language in Portuguese. Brazilian sign language is the language of the deaf community in Brazil that is consisting of the linguistic part of other full-fledged language. Deaf association contain the experts network that is possible to be contacted with dea f people in the country, defending the broadcast the language for people to stay on in Brazilian sign language. In approximately 1980 and 1990, deaf schools utilizing Brazilian sign language that start to refresh the education circumstance the same conditions development. Brazilian deaf community evaluated the language, using Brazilian sign language in Brazil. The linguistic circumstance of Italy is that it is a multilingual country. There is no variation in the dialect in Italy. Particular law that the dialect is to cater the greater status of minority language. The minority language legislate relation that is approved on 15 December, 1999. Italyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ linguistic circumstance has been multilingual country. Numerous dialects survive with Italian and the nation language. Dialects have been catered the special status of minority language by lawfulness (law 482/1999). In 1988, Sign language was accepted and approved by first European eleven years ago. The education of deaf people is to separate country in Italy, the city can ability to see Italian sign language. The true has crucial outcome during all language planning. The first parts of status planning; the second, acquisition planning; and the third, issues surrounding corpus planning which is momentous sign language in ltaly. Comparison between Brazil and Italy Linguistic practise and policies depend on the imposition of spoken language which aims at the Portuguese language and one institution the quality model of education achievement in Brazil. Sign language is unimportant and neglect sign language in laboratory, remedial instruction the speed and philosophical and political appreciate which noted deaf education in Brazil. Policies realize the language to the deaf students who decide the languages are contrasting the part of education program. The language desire to survive and they could be successful comprehension and discussion the aim of establishment agreement which we must always discuss to debate with the people who do not comprehend how to be deafness and sign language is momentous. The importance of deaf people is to participant and find out the difference in language of deaf students who are being educated. The Brazilian Portuguese language stress and both Brazilian sign language which have problem. The importance of Brazilian sign language desire only. Brazilian sign language has be representation the same non language last years. It is momentous to value the language for deaf people. Brazilian sign language users started to feel proud of their own language that hearing people comprehended about deaf peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ the language as protect and annunciate it. Deaf people who should not contemplate the spoken language will be started for Brazilian Portuguese the same an empowering language. Deaf people know bilingual their teachers and interpreter is slowly realize sign language in Brazilian sign language. The Brazilian institutions of geography have collected data and fraction (IBGE 2000) that has to demonstrate the Santa Catarina has had total of fraction 178, ooo deaf student. The Catarina special education foundation (FCEE 2007) which reported only 1680 the same they will be catered to the classroom in school and 1 percent of the total number has identified from IBGE will being catered. Brazilian sign language is utilized and promotes contact middle deaf people (RONICE MÃÆ'Å“LLER DE QUADROS, 2012). Deaf students who are enormous majority the contact with people who realise a few sign language and utilise it from little communicate goal the deaf students. The teachers have awareness their own language that Brazilian Portuguese demonstrate some possibility error the implantation of the bilingual education policy and the representation of language for deaf education. The enormous plurality of teachers who started working and their interpreters felt ashamed. They realised their restriction of concept in sign language. The research promise middle 2001 and 2002 total of number sign language interpreters that contemplate the expert in both language (Brazilian Portuguese and Brazilian sign language) tell the result translation from Brazilian Portuguese to Brazilian sign language for the classroom. Status planning: To know the influence of institutions and organizations, need the United Nations and the European group of people who have urged on to recognise the nation sign languages of their deaf communities. The public have discussed Italy sign language that was not outcome of fact by nation parliament. It is most the pertinent enthusiasm was the appeal sign from university professional and researchers have worked include part of linguistic, language, philosophy of language, psychology of language and communication. The Italian parliament planned to sustain the suggestion of recognition of Italian sign language that the Italian deaf community have minority the language in 2005. Deaf people have national association which is initiative to urge on Italian sign language. This organization is the most momentous referent for deaf people who have relationship with state institution. The academic community concern in LIS and deaf world has not been restricted to the linguistic of LIS . LIS communication system have utilised the relation grammar has flash the concern of researcher work on computer for linguistic, natural language process of animation. The Italian linguistic society have meeting of annual and include paper formal fact the sustain of LIS that has been approved (September 28, 2011). Acquisition planning: LIS sight becomes both deaf and hearing communities. He reviews the four main of acquisition planning from LIS which have bilingual education program. LIS have worked the course structure and worked with LIS. Deaf children have circumstanced in education that is approved by law in 1977 (law no. 517/1977) that it s mandatory for all children with disabilities to have accuracy to attend mainstream school, which would cater to make a suitable and sustainable method for them towards actual integration. The objectives of the project are ongoing to cater a particular education program from deaf children specific school. It benefit the experience specific school which are still candid model of education that fortunately integration deaf and hearing children. Deaf students who recognise that ASL can bring the classes in LIS for Italian deaf culture. Italian culture has taught in ASL which courses are urged on from LIS signers. Quality of interpreters are being asked by deaf people who decided that interpreters have the expert knowledge of communication potential of LIS and training of interpreters have to be more better. Corpus planning: LPP mostly concentrate on actual inner to the language system that accosts the momentous issue of normalization course and language documentation is appropriate to comprehend the actual linguistic circumstances and benefits in LIS. Preparatory studies on difference in LIS which have main concentrated in lexical difference and phonological process concerned to historical shift (Carlo Geraci, 2012). Corpus planning that LIS is comparatively well document sign language. In particular, an enormous corpus of deaf children have learnt LIS which their first language and corpus of hearing adult have learnt LIS that their second language. Conclusion This is comprehended that topic have two contain in comparison. It is momentous of sign language legislature in Italy. Some of deaf children have entered to LIS which their first or native language. Oralist educations are disagreed to sustain utilization of the LIS that is getting rural job chances for deaf people. The academic strongly sustain the research on LIS and deaf culture. The endeavours have conducted to the elaboration of beton planning in LIS. This is understandable in status and acquisition planning. Brazilian institutions have succeeded a needful law implement from the headway of public policies concern to the consolidation of Brazilian sign language. Deaf association is important for deaf peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s structure of their identity, acquires formal lawfulness through the identification of Brazilian sign language. The materials translated into Brazilian sign language in sundry educational space lawfulness to the right of access to one. Deaf leaders are offerin g a deaf bilingual education which is substantive of specific school with hearing children who have to be integration for deaf children in education. It is impossible to apply for system in India that is unimportant of sign language lawfulness in India. Oralist educations are agreed to support uses of the language however sign educations are disagreed to support utilization of Indian sign language. Deaf people minority was not accepted in ISL by government. Because importances of utilization bAASLS hope to become awareness about policies and planning language, it has time to be future and conceive in ISL next ten years.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Copper And Molybdenum Deposits In The United States :: essays research papers

Copper and Molybdenum Deposits in the United States   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Copper and molybdenum resources were not recognized as valuable commodities until economic needs demanded the collection and processing of these minerals in large amounts. The most expansive deposits of copper and molybdenum occur in massive low grade ores and are found in intrusive porphyry formations, although many smaller sized but higher grade ores are located in non-porphyry areas. The nation has abundant domestic copper ore reserves but because of many detrimental economic factors much of the copper used by the U.S. industry is imported. Molybdenum ore is profuse and exports of it are high to fulfill the needs of foreign demand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Copper was first used by people around 4000 B.C. in the manufacture of tools because of its malleability and later became an important additive in harder, more useful metals such as bronze (copper+tin; 2500 B.C.) and brass (copper+zinc; 0 A.D.). The growth of copper production in the United States has been a relatively recent occurrence. North American French explorers knew of sources of native copper in the region of Lake Superior and the area natives had copper jewelry and ornamentation. Earnest copper mining began in Simsbury, Connecticut about 1709 and copper was actually exported to England after a source was discovered in New Jersey around 1719. In later times domestic copper resources did not satisfy national needs until the discovery of gold in California shifted the focus of mineral exploration westward and strikes of rich copper ores occurred in Tennessee and the Cordilleran base regions. The Civil War caused copper demand to increase greatly in order to manufacture cartridges and canned goods, this resulted in the openings of numerous copper mines of which more than 90% were in the Lake Superior area giving an important advantage to the Union armies. Major copper production districts then shifted to Montana and Arizona in the early 1890's. Production increased to reach peak levels of 900,000 tons a year during World War I and in 1970 1,600,000 tons of copper were produced but recent levels are lower, fluctuating between 1-1.5 million tons a year. Technology has aided in increasing production efficiency wich resulted in spectacular resource development in the U.S. and around the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Molybdenum has been a major mineral since 1898 when it was discovered to harden steel as an additive and useful in compounding chemicals and dyes. Substantial mining began in 1900 in the southwest but the demand was so low that activity ceased in 1900. In 1906 the molybdenum industry boomed and with the dawn of WWI the need for quality steel further increased the necessity for this

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Assisted Suicide :: essays research papers

Assisted Suicide In reaction to the law the Michigan Legislature recently passed outlawing assisted suicide, I found myself with many mixed feelings. I found myself often feeling bad for the patients Dr. Kevorkian dealt with but more often felt sorry for him that he should be responsible for so many deaths. It is a sad road to travel on when faced with a terminal disease. It includes many harsh realities and many are not prepared to deal with their illness. There are many aspects I chose to look at when preparing to write this paper. A person's self-worth is one and also the doctor's evaluation of a person's self-worth. I chose to take my own personal stand on the issue, which includes my own opinions, feelings, and thoughts on the many controversies surrounding Euthanasia. I also chose to write about the "Slippery Slope" for I find it to be a very relevant and useful tool in looking at the topic of Euthanasia. This is a very interesting subject to me for I look ahead at the next few years of many painful deaths for a family that is getting very old. When looking at someone's self-worth†¦what they feel they can offer, you have to put into perspective what they are dealing with. Of course, someone who is slowly dieing of a terminal disease is going to find their self-worth at virtually nothing. They are depressed and in pain and are not capable of doing things on their own any longer. What pride is there in that? Most people find none. On a more personal level, I would find pride in waking up each day, and in waking up each day trying to find something to smile about. I could find pride in knowing that even though I am dieing†¦and I am in pain†¦that I am still able to be strong for the people who love me. I find pride and dignity in that and that makes my self-worth†¦something worth saving. I have been brought up in a Catholic family. Therefore, many of my opinions on controversial issues such as this stem from my upbringing. However, I have been able to do the research and form my own opinions. And, even so, I still think assisted suicide is wrong. When one person is responsible for the stopping of another person's heart from beating, it should be considered murder. And, I equally agree that it shouldn't have taken a case where

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Accomplishment Report Format Essay

Introduction The school year 2005-2006 is still blissful for Sagada National High School. It is still an uphill battle and struggle to have a school building, a Filipino teacher, and basic facilities like library, chairs, and laboratory. As of now SNHS still squats on a dilapidated bayanihan building and a makeshift building in the compound of the Sagada Central Elementary School. In spite of these limitations, the school continues to reap honors for its name and to make a difference. For this school year it asserted its strong presence in mathematical competitions. Twice in a row, it represented the Division in the Regional MTAP Oral in the fourth year level. It participated in the National Press Conference held in Kalibo, Aklan. It also shines in sports as well as in beauty contests. Aside from MPGCHS, Sagada National High School is one of only two SMART schools in the Division of Mt. Province. Its application has already been approved. A tie up with SMART means the implementation of the ICT curriculum one of the signature programs of the school. SMART has already started providing for technical training for the faculty members. The inauguration of the school as a SMART school was moved from March to June. Through a raffle fund raising project, the school was able to acquire six computer units. All in all it has 13 computers, including five, courtesy of Hon. Congressman Dominguez. This last April the computer laboratory was set up. This is for the graduates to have summer computer training before they enroll for college this coming school year. This humbling experience was made possible due to the dedication and commitment of the faculty members and the strong support of the PTCA and other stake holders of the school. Basic Performance Indicators: 1. Promotion Rate- 259/281 = 92.17% 2. Completion Rate- 67/89 = 75.28% 3. Graduation Rate- 67/69 = 97.10% 4. Retention Rate- 136/150 = 90.67% 5. Dropout Rate- 7/281 = 2.49% 6. Cohort Survival Rate- 69/89 = 77.53% 7. Repetition Rate- 3/295 = 1.02% 8. Gross Teacher Ratio= 281/9 = 1:31 9. Participation Rate- Data not available 10. Gross Enrollment Ratio- Data not complete 11. Transition Rate-Data not complete Enrollment We expected that the enrollment of SNHS dropped considerably because of the attractive facilities offered by St. Mary’s School. There was a massive recruitment by the alumni of Saint Mary’s. However, tentative enrollment posted by the school shows that SNHS posted a total of 71 first year students while SMS has only 32 first year students. The table below shows the actual enrollment: Highlights of Accomplishment 1. Acquisition of six computers through a raffle fund raising- Through the initiative of the PTCA, the faculty members and the student body the they were able to raise a considerable amount used to purchase six computer units. 2. Setting up of the Computer Laboratory- SNHS can’t afford to lose its students just because it does not have a computer laboratory which is readily available at the Saint Mary’s School. Aside from the six computers which came from the fund raising, we were able to solicit other units and together with the computers given by Congressman Dominguez, we have 13 units. With this we set up the computer laboratory with the help of our Peace Corp volunteer Mr. Daniel Ziegler. Right now our graduates are having hands-on summer training in computer usage. 3. Tying-up with SMART- SNHS is a SMART school. SMART company approved our application; hence it will assist us by giving two computers, computer accessories like printers, web cameras, and scanner.Besides, they will assist us in the installation of the internet connection for the students and right now two of our teachers were on technical training for this in Subic. Ultimately they will be with us in the planned implementation of the ICT curriculum. 4. Setting-up of our Website- It has been a year since SNHS came online. This is courtesy of Mr. Kent Sinkey, a retired computer analyst from the University of Cincinnati who assisted us in the setting up of our website. A member of the PTCA based in London is shouldering the cost of the website for the school. Mr. Sinkey also trained two of our students in website development. 5. Free Summer Training in Computer Usage- As requested by the PTCA, the graduates are  having summer training on computer usage in the computer laboratory of the school. Daniel Ziegler our Peace Corp volunteer is assisting us in computer instruction. 6. At the beginning of the 2005-2006 school year the faculty donated money so the school could have an internet connection in order to do faculty research, have e-mail and maintain this electronic yearbook. Josephine Buyagan was kind enough to donate the money necessary for our domain name and website hosting.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Locke on Language Essay

John Locke (1632-1704) is a great influential British philosopher, reputed by many as the first of the great English empiricists. He offered a comprehensive philosophy of language as well, which was the first of its kind in modern philosophy. In line with Descartes, he pushed reason to the forefront as a tool of philosophical enquiry and opposed authoritarianism and blind acceptance of dictates of religion or superstitions. Locke’s masterpiece, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, concerns itself with determining the limits of human understanding and the legitimacy of knowledge claims. Specifically, Book III of the work investigates into language and its importance in the process of knowledge and epistemological enquiries. Let me brief the main aspects of his approach to language and the context from which it evolves out. Body of the Essay (Lockean Enquiry into Language) In the four Books of the Essay, Locke considers the sources and nature of human knowledge and as a part of it he takes up a study of language. (An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Locke, 1. 1. 7. , p. 47). Against Descartes, he claimed, that mind has no innate ideas (primary notions or inborn ideas). Human mind is a tabula rasa (clear slate) and experiences write on it. In holding this view he subscribes to the axiom of empiricism that ‘there is nothing in the intellect that was not previously in the senses’. Ideas are but materials, out of which, knowledge is constructed. Neither speculative or innate moral principles, nor ideas, such as God, identity, etc. , are there in the mind of the new-born. ‘Children and the idiots prove it’, Locke says. His theory of substratum and substance, and the distinction he makes between primary and secondary qualities are all someway connected to his theory of language. The distinction between real essences and nominal essences, which he makes, stems from his theories of substance and qualities. It seems Locke holds some version of the representational theory of perception, though some scholars dispute it. Locke is not at all skeptic about substances as did Hume. Since Berkeley, Locke’s theory of the substratum or substance has been attacked as incoherent. Since we have no such experience of such an entity there is no way to derive such an idea from experience, his critics argue. (cf. I. IV. 18. p 95) The real essence of a material thing is its atomic constitution. The atomic constitution is the causal basis of all the observable properties of the thing. If the real essences were known all the observable properties could be deduced from it. These real essences are quite unknown to us according to Locke. Ayer interprets: ‘substance in general’ means whatever it is that supports qualities, while the real essence means ‘the particular atomic constitution lying behind observable qualities. Ayer treats the unknown substratum as the same as real essence. This interpretation eliminates the need to explain particulars without properties. But it is to be accepted that such reductionism lacks textual support from Locke and it conflicts some of Locke’s own positions according to some critics. A theory of meaning (semantic theory) is central to any philosophical account of language Locke also develops one when he claims that our words (general terms) refer to our (abstract) ideas. Abstract ideas and classification are of central importance to Locke’s discussion of language. Words that stand for ideas can be distinguished as ideas of substances, simple modes, mixed modes, relations etc. Not all words are ideas, for example, particles that relate. In his analysis of language, Locke gives more attention to nouns than to verbs (II. 7. 1. p 471). Though Locke’s main semantic theory claimed that â€Å"Words in their primary or immediate signification signify nothing but the ideas in the mind of him that uses them†, it was vehemently criticized as a classic blunder in semantic theory. For J. S. Mill, Locke seems not distinguishing the meaning of the word from its reference. But as Norman Kretzmann rightly points out Locke distinguishes between meaning and reference (Tipton, 1977, pp. 123-140). In Locke’s discussion on substances, he says, physical substances are atoms and things made up of atoms. But we have no experience of the atomic structure of horses and tables. Horses and tables are known through secondary qualities such as color, taste, smell etc and primary qualities such as shape and extension. Hence he held that real essence cannot give meaning of names. Ordinary people are the chief makers of language, he believed. Conclusion Locke brought in a tradition in language theory that influenced James Campbell and I. A. Richards, rhetoricians like Edward P. J. Corbett, Condillac, Saussure and structuralists like Claude Levi-Strauss. Linguistic philosophy (logical positivism, logical atomism and so on) in 20th century had something to respond to Locke if not to receive from him. However, I wouldn’t reckon Locke as a linguist than an empiricist. References Locke, John (1995) An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Aemherst, New York: Prometheus Books. Kretzmann, Norman (1977) â€Å"The Main Thesis of Locke’s Semantic Theory†. in Locke on Human Understanding,(ed) I. C. Tipton. pp. 123-140.